Placeholder image generator Free online tool

Enter placeholder image dimension in px

Width (px)


Height (px)

Placeholder Text editor

Image Background Color
Edit text
Font Type
Font Color

Font size (px)

Stroke Color

Stroke Width (px)

Generating Placeholder Images with Ease: Customized and Versatile

In the dynamic landscape of web development and design, the need for placeholder images is a common requirement, especially during the early stages of website development. Introducing our online tool that makes it easy to create placeholder images effortlessly. Whether you need a standard dummy image or a customized placeholder with specific dimensions, this user-friendly tool provides a seamless solution. Simply enter the width and height, and instantly generate a placeholder image in both JPG and PNG formats. What's more, you can customize the font, color, and size of the placeholder text, adding a touch of personalization to your placeholder images.

Placeholder Images Made Simple: The Online Generator

Unveiling the Placeholder Image Generator

The Placeholder Image Generator is a valuable resource for developers and designers looking for a quick and customizable solution to generate placeholder images. Whether you're working on a website template, testing layouts, or creating prototypes, this online tool offers versatility without restrictions.

Simple Steps to Create Placeholder Images

Creating placeholder images is a straightforward process with our online generator:

  1. Enter Width and Height: Begin by entering the desired width and height for your placeholder image. This can be standard dimensions or any custom size you require.

  2. Generate Image: Once you've entered the dimensions, click the 'Generate Image' button to instantly create a placeholder image in both JPG and PNG formats.

  3. Customize Placeholder Text (Optional): If you wish to add text to your placeholder, you can customize the font, color, and size of the text. This step is optional for those who want additional personalization.

  4. Download Placeholder Image: The tool provides a download button for both JPG and PNG formats, allowing you to easily obtain the generated placeholder image.

Tailoring Placeholder Images to Your Needs

Customization Options for Personalization

The Placeholder Image Generator offers users various customization options:

  • Font Selection: Choose from a range of available fonts to add a personalized touch to your placeholder text.

  • Color Customization: Select the color of your choice for the placeholder text, aligning it with your design preferences.

  • Text Size Adjustment: Customize the size of the placeholder text to ensure it complements the overall aesthetic of your layout.

Accessibility and Convenience

Why Choose Placeholder Image Generator?

  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool features an intuitive design, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.

  • Instant Image Generation: With a click of a button, users can instantly generate placeholder images in the specified dimensions.

  • Download Convenience: The download button enables users to swiftly obtain the generated placeholder image for immediate use.

Versatility in Dimensions

Breaking Free from Standard Dimensions

While standard dummy image dimensions like 250 x 250, 300 x 300, 100 x 100, and 50 x 50 are commonly used in online templates, this tool breaks free from restrictions. Users can generate dummy images in any size without limitations, ensuring flexibility in their projects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQ 1: Is the Placeholder Image Generator a free online service?

Absolutely. The Placeholder Image Generator is a free online service, available to all users without any hidden costs.

FAQ 2: Can I generate placeholder images in non-square dimensions?

Certainly. The tool allows users to enter both width and height, enabling the generation of placeholder images in any rectangular dimensions.

FAQ 3: How many fonts are available for customization?

The tool offers a variety of fonts to choose from, allowing users to find the perfect match for their design.

FAQ 4: Can I use this tool on both desktop and mobile devices?

Yes, the Placeholder Image Generator is designed to be accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, providing flexibility for users on the go.

FAQ 5: Can I use the generated placeholder images for commercial projects?

Absolutely. The generated placeholder images can be used for both personal and commercial projects without restrictions.

FAQ 6: Are there any restrictions on the dimensions I can enter?

No, there are no restrictions on the dimensions. Users can enter any width and height values to generate placeholder images in custom sizes.

FAQ 7: Can I save my customization preferences for future use?

The tool doesn't have a save feature for customization preferences. Users can customize the text for each session based on their current needs.


Empower your design and development projects with the Placeholder Image Generator. Whether you need standard dummy images or want to create placeholders with specific dimensions and personalized text, this online tool offers versatility without limitations. Generate, customize, and download placeholder images with ease. Try the Placeholder Image Generator today and streamline your workflow with customized and versatile placeholder images.